Earth 2 Resource Information

Uses: Cobalt is vital for

      • production of superalloys like Maraging Steel 300
      • used in production of strong magnets, such as Samarium-Cobalt Magnet
      • used in relation to electrical transportations


    Azurite Jewel required for priming



    Related Building Blocks:

        • Cobalt Ingots
        • Samarium-Cobalt Magnet
        • Maraging Steel 300
        • EarthPulse Energy System Mark III & Energon Heat Probe


      Mentar can detect and gather limited OUs without assistance

      Cydroid can detect and gather normal OUs (Higher rate than with the mentar alone)


      How to create the azurite jewel:

      T3 Blue + T3 Black


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      cobalt earth 2 resource data

      Cobalt Earth 2 Resource

      Earth 2 Resource Information Uses: Cobalt is vital for Weaver: Azurite Jewel required for priming Cydroid: Jingo Related Building Blocks: Mentar can detect and gather

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